Add Date/ Time

Use the Add Date/ Time node to add an additional column containing a specified date or date/ time to a given table. The Add Date/ Time node may be added to any table node, and can be configured to display the current date or date/ time, or a given date or date/ time.

How to Configure the Add Date/ Time Node

  1. Connect the Add Date/ Time node to the required table.
  2. From the node's Properties panel, go to the Add Date/ Time Node window, and select the required date or date/ time:
    1. Current date & time: generate a date/ time column based on the current date and time.
    2. Current date: generate a date column based on the current date.
    3. Choose date & time: generate a date/ time column based on a given date and time.
    4. Choose date: generate a date/ time column based on a given time.
  3. Preview the Add Date/ Time node to see a preview of the table with the new date/ time column.